The MP of the Party of Action and Solidary (PAS) Dan Perciun said the Government’s initiative to declare a state of emergency does not stipulate any additional restriction or measure in support of the businesses and people. The informative note does not provide any argument in favor of the state of emergency and says nothing about the Government’s plans related to the pandemic and economic crisis, IPN reports.
“Ciocoi banally dances to the PSRM-Shor majority’s tune and takes part in the blocking of snap elections. This is the only goal,” the MP posted on Facebook.
According to him, the PAS continues to consider that additional restrictions should be put in place for a period of two weeks or a month and they should be introduced together with a package of broad measures in support of businesses and the population. The Supreme Security Council’s decision consisted of three pages of proposals that were to be considered by the Government, but this didn’t do it.
The Government on March 30 decided to propose that Parliament should declare a state of emergency all over the Republic of Moldova. Minister of Justice Fadei Nagachevski, who presented the proposal, said this was formulated following the analysis of the Commission for Exceptional Situations’ report concerning the necessity of declaring a state of emergency, of the Supreme Security Council’s recommendations and discussions in society. The state of emergency does not mean the closure of the county’s economy, but an instrument that extends the margin of action of the state. The actions that will be taken depend on the citizens’ behavior.