PAS deputy head Stamate: I do not take part in decision-making process within group

Although she holds the position of deputy chairwoman of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), MP Olesea Stamate says that she does not support many of the bills proposed by her colleagues. For this reason, she does not vote on some of the legislative initiatives submitted by the PAS, IPN reports.

"I am still the deputy chairwoman of the Party of Action and Solidarity. I am part of the PAS group in Parliament. But I have a different opinion on particular topics and I will not hesitate to express this opinion. When certain topics are discussed within the group, I express my opinion as the other colleagues do, but I do not take part in the decision-making process," the MP said in the show “Resumé” on RliveTV channel.

Olesea Stamate said that the parliamentary elections will most likely take place at the end of September. Asked whether or not she will be on the PAS ticket for this autumn’s elections, she said that she does not know if she will actually be on the lists for the parliamentary elections.

"I have not made a decision regarding my future career, whether or not to remain in politics," said the MP.

Olesea Stamate was named deputy chairwoman of the Party of Action and Solidarity since June 2020.

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