Partnership between methodological centers is beneficial to education process, Education Division

The seminars organized by the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport to optimize the activity of the methodological centers contributed to a rise in the number of teachers involved and to a doubling in the number of students that benefit from economic education programs through the agency of “Junior Achievement” organization. This topic was discussed at the last meeting of the Division’s Administration Board, Info-Prim Neo reports. Natalia Strajesco, the head of the Division’s Information and PR Relations Department, said that the partnerships between the methodological centers have been developed. “One of the objectives of two Chisinau kindergartens is to offer the cooperating methodological centers the possibility of making decisions,” she said. But there are certain obstacles like the lack of a database about the potential partners, the insignificant reserve of administrative and teaching members of staff that can enter into education partnerships, the shortage of specialists that know internationally used foreign languages, Natalia Strajesco said. “In addition, the legislation does not support the implementation of education projects at the municipal level. All the projects are directed to the Ministry of Education and Youth. We only coordinate the work, rather seldom.” The Department plans to organize seminars, conferences and roundtable meetings in partnership with the municipal and national schools themed “Methodological Center – Active Partner in the Education Process”. Also, it intends to establish partnership relations where there are no such partnerships or they are based only on understandings - with Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia and Estonia – and strengthen the partnerships existing with Romania. There will be held an international communication session themed “Education Partnership – Important Factor in Schools Management”. The Administration Board of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport decided that after paying visits to other towns, the Moldovan representatives will prepare reports to inform the Division’s employees about the results achieved during the trips. The criteria for selecting the Division’s representatives that will make visits will be defined clearly. Now, this is done at random.

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