Particular laws related to justice sector reform were improved, but their implementation is late, ambassador

The Association and Partnership Agreement with the European Union is a very important framework through which the Republic of Moldova could ensure better reformation of the institutions existing in the country so as to benefit from closer relations with the EU. A very important area is the justice sector where a number of reforms are needed. Here, even if particular laws were improved, their implementation is later. Therefore, Germany recommends drawing attention namely to the justice sector reform and monitoring its implementation not only from theoretical angle, but also from practical angle, Germany’s Ambassador to Moldova Angela Ganninger stated in an event held to launch Europe Day 2021, IPN reports.

Angela Ganninger noted that the potential of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement should be maximally realized, as regards production procedures in agriculture, so that the producers in Moldova can improve production standards so as to have access to a very large European market. The reformation of the two sectors would bring immediate effects to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

In another development, Romania’s Ambassador to Moldova Daniel Ioniță referred to the energy interconnection. According to him, Romania, as the EU member states, always pleaded for strengthening Moldova’s energy security and the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline was built for the purpose. Romania and the EU member states also support other energy interconnection projects, including those that refer to the back-to-back station in Vulcănești and the building of overhead power lines that will really enable the Moldovans to receive electricity and heat from a number of sources. However, for these projects to be finalized, the support of international partners is needed and Moldova should also make progress in working out the own strategy for ensuring energy security and should complete the infrastructure projects undertaken earlier.

Speaking about the freedom of the press, EU Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko said this is an important element for a democratic and free society and each citizen should have access to correct information about the things that happen in society as this is the basis for drawing conclusions. In Moldova, the freedom of the press should be strengthened and the decline in standards according to which the journalists work should stop and the authorities should not limit access to information. The journalists should not face any limitations, like the economic one, and their activity should be promoted. The EU and a part of the member states finance projects in support of the free and independent media in Moldova and projects to improve the environment in which the mass media work at all levels.

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