Participants in Chernobyl cleanup will treat teeth gratis

The persons who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster will benefit from free dental treatment. The Ministry of Health will allocate 1 million lei for the purpose, Minister Ruxanda Glavan announced in a meeting with representatives of the public association Chernobyl Union of Moldova, IPN reports.

For the first time, the participants in the Chernobyl cleanup will benefit from dental prostheses made from metallic, metal-acrylic or metal-ceramic materials, which are more efficient and of a higher quality compared with the simple ones, used earlier. The dental treatment will be performed including with the use of photo-polimerizable materials.

If need be, depending on the available financial resources, surgery will be performed to insert dental implant. These patients will be able to treat their teeth at the National Dental Polyclinic, the Dental Clinic of the University of Medicine “Nicolae Testemitţanu” and at all the municipal dental centers from districts, according to the place of residence. The Ministry of Health worked out new regulations concerning the organization of dental services for Chernobyl cleanup participants.

Currently, over 2,000 participants in the Chernobyl cleanup are under medical supervision. These persons benefit from medical and dental assistance and compensated drugs at the place of residence, in accordance with the common mandatory health insurance program approved by the Government. It should be noted that the given decision was taken following a number of approaches made by the Chernobyl Union of Moldova to the Ministry of Health.

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