Parliamentary hearings on banking fraud to be held next week

The parliamentary hearings on the actions taken by the authorities to recover the funds stolen from the banking system will take place next week. A decision to this effect was taken by the Parliament’s Standing Bureau on October 3, IPN reports.

The Standing Bureau approved the agenda of the plenary sittings for October 4 – 12. The MPs will discuss the draft decision concerning the constitution of a commission of inquiry for elucidating the circumstances of the interface of the Open Dialogue Foundation and its founder Ludmila Kozlowska in Moldova’s internal affairs and the illegal financing of particular political parties.

The agenda also includes the draft law on advertising, to bills to supplement the law on domestic trade, the competition law, the Penal Code and the Contravention Code and the bills to amend and supplement the law on the remedying and resolution of banks, the law on arms and munitions used for civil purposes and the law on public functionaries with a special status of the Ministry of the Interior.

Parliament will also reexamine the amendments to the Broadcasting Code and the Labor Code.

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