Parliament stages “Fair of Candies” to support family with four children

The legislative body collected funds for a socially deprived family within the charity event “Fair of Candies”. Servants of the Parliament’s Secretariat made candies and cakes at home and sold these in the hall of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. The proceeds came to over 16,000 lei. The money, together with basic necessities, will be donated do a Chisinau family with a difficult financial situation that raises four children, IPN reports, quoting the legislature’s press service.

“This is a first initiative by the ladies from the Parliament’s Secretariat. Before Palm Sunday and Easter, we make a charitable gesture to help those who are sadder than us. We want to bring joy to their homes,” said the Parliament’s secretary general Ala Popescu.

Head of Parliament Andrian Candu was the first visitor of the fair. He encouraged the Parliament’s functionaries to make such events a tradition. “This is a nice gesture for a noble cause. Such activities not only mobilize the team of the Parliament’s Secretariat, but also make it better and more united for a noble cause – to raise funds for a vulnerable family,” stated the Speaker.

Next week, the Parliament’s hall will host the traditional Easter charity exhibition in support of orphan children.

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