Parliament ratifies Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The MPs passed in the final reading the bill to ratify the Paris Agreement adopted on December 12, 2015. The agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and obliges the Republic of Moldova to diminish the total greenhouse gas emissions by at least 67% compared with the level of 1990 by 2030. At the same time, the ratification of the agreement enables to access international funds designed to support measures to reduce global warming and to diminish their effects, IPN reports.

Minister of Environment Valeriu Muntean said in Parliament that the Paris Agreement was adopted at the Conference of the 196 states parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on December 12, 2015. As many as 144 states have ratified the accord so far. These promote the application of the principle of common responsibility in the limits of national circumstances.

The minister also said that the states that signed the Paris Agreement must take measures to ensure the average global temperature does not rise by more than 2 degrees Celsius until 2030 and to develop abilities to adjust to and resist climate change. The document also encourages the states to stabilize the level of greenhouse gas emissions, including by forest conservation measures.

In this connection, Valeriu Munteanu said initiatives could be proposed for promoting the purchase of ecological cars. Germany set the goal of fully excluding diesel cars from traffic by 2030.

Moldova needs investments of over €300 million to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 67%. The Paris Agreement was signed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip in New York during a visit last September.

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