Parliament passes Government reform in final reading

The Government reform was adopted in the final reading by 53 votes of MP in the July 7 sitting of Parliament. The post of minister remains the only political post. The post of deputy minister was excluded and the administrative duties at ministries will be fulfilled by secretaries of state, who will hold the post of minister on an interim basis, if necessary. Also, the Premier is empowered to modify the number of ministries, which is not fixed, by a simplified procedure, IPN reports.

The Center for Reform Implementation is responsible for doing the Government reform. The Center’s director Iurie Ciocan said the post of deputy minister is replaced by that of secretary general of state that will have other secretaries on areas in subordination. Thus, a secretary general of state will replace three current deputy ministers. The secretaries of state will be public servants.

The secretaries and their subordinates will be chosen on a contest basis. If a secretary is not named at a ministry, a current deputy minister will continue to hold the post until a candidate is identified and will ensure the functionality of the legislative process.

Iurie Ciocan said the delimitation of the political duties from the administrative ones is an important element of the Government reform. “The minister and his office are the only political components in the future governmental composition. The ministerial team together with the secretaries of state are to implement the provisions of the policies worked out by the minister and his office,” explained Ciocan.

The reform is to be implemented during two to four months. A number of 43 deputy ministers will be dismissed as a result.

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