Parliament repeats competitions for management positions in two government agencies

Parliament repeatedly commenced contests for the positions of director of the ANRE Board of Directors and general director of the National Complaints Solving Agency.

According to a Committee for economy, budget and finance press release, in order to be eligible, the candidates for the position of director of the ANRE Board of Directors must hold the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, they must have a university degree in economics, law, fiscal or technical fields and 10 years work experience in the respective field, of which, at least 3 years in management positions in public institutions or companies regulated by the National Agency for Energy Regulations.

Applicants should put forward their candidacy to the Committee for economy, budget and finance or to e-mail their dossiers to, between 28.10.2019 - 26.11.2019, Monday to Friday, except for public holidays, between 08:00 and 17:00.

Aplicants may apply for the position of general director of the National Complaints Solving Agency by putting forward their candidacy to the  Parliamentary Committee for economy, budget and finance or by emailing their dossiers to, between 24.10.2019 -31.10.2019, Monday to Friday, except for public holidays, between 08:00 and 17:00.

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