Even if the parents work, they will be able to receive childcare allowances up to the age of three, starting with 2014. Parliament adopted in the final reading a bill providing that the persons who will resume work partially and will be paid up to 50% of the salary will be entitled to such allowances, IPN reports.
The bill stipulates that in the case of twins or more children born at one time, both of the parents or simultaneously two insured persons will be entitled to childcare allowances for up to three years. In this case, allowances will be set separately for every child.
If neither the mother nor the father can look after the child who suffers from cancer for well-founded reasons, confirmed by documents, up to the age of 10 or after the disabled child up to the age of 16, the allowance is paid to other insured persons.
The childcare allowance can be paid, at request, to one of the parents, grandparents or other relatives who look after the child and the guardian, if they are insured and meet the imposed conditions.