Parents may receive childcare allowances even if they work fulltime

The parents who will start work before the children reach three will be able to continue to receive childcare allowances even if they work fulltime. Such a legislative initiative was put forward by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family. Currently, only the parents with children younger than three who work part-time are entitled to allowances. The fathers got the right to childcare allowances on January 1, 2013. Earlier, only the mothers had this right, IPN reports.

The bill was published on the Ministry’s official website. It is to be approved by the Government and then passed by Parliament in two readings.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, more than 35,000 medically insured persons and over 39,000 medically uninsured persons received childcare allowances in 2012.

The Labor Ministry suggested that the monthly childcare allowance paid until the child reaches three should be set according to the child’s age, based on the calculations of the National Bureau of Statistics, and should be equal to the minimum substance level for the previous year. The Ministry also proposed that the lump sum paid at the birth of a child should be in line with the costs incurred for purchasing the goods needed at birth, also based on the calculations of the National Bureau of Statistics.

The families with twins may receive additionally a support monthly allowance until the children turn three. It will represent 50% of the monthly childcare allowance for each of the twins.

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