Parcels worth €150 to €1,000 can be declared online

Individuals will be able to declare online the goods received by international parcel post for which import duties must be paid. These are parcels with a value of more than €150 and lower than €1,000, IPN reports.

According to the Customs Service, through the new digital solution, users will be able to complete and submit the customs declaration directly. The person who completes the declaration is responsible for the correctness of the data entered.

After the information is verified by the customs officer and the import duties are calculated, the person will be able to make the payment through Mpay. Subsequently, following customs clearance, the package will be delivered directly to the address indicated when placing the order.

"Digitalization is one of our priorities because it means faster, safer and more accessible services for the people," said Alexandru Iacub, director of the Customs Service.

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