The young painter Nicoleta Stati was highly appreciated by the Italian specialty press and by the numerous public that admired her personal exhibition displayed as part of the fifth edition of the International Film Festival “Salento Finibus Terrae” in San Vito dei Normanni.
The exhibition titled “Dopo il Vento Dell’Est” (“Following the Eastern Wind”), which included 50 paintings by Nicoleta Stati, was presented to the Italian public between July 26 and August 11 inside the former church “San Giovani” situated in San Vito dei Normanni settlement.
The works painted in oil on canvas present static nature, portraits, landscapes and abstract images. According to Nicoleta Stati, the paintings express her own vision on the world and the living beings, a modern vision framed in the cannons of classical painting.
At a news conference on Friday, Umberto Garibaldi, representative of the National Press Trade Union of Italy, spoke about the dozens of laudatory articles from the Italian press that had as subject the exhibition “Following the Eastern Wind”. Nicoleta Stati’s paintings are full of love and seem to be a tender prayer of gratitude to the existence, with all its multiple facets, Umberto Garibaldi said, quoting his own article dedicated to the painter.
Born on 15 June 1981 in Chisinau, Nicoleta Stati studied at the Republican Plastic Arts Lyceum “Igor Vieru” in Chisinau (where she works now as drawing teacher), at the Institute of Arts “Paolo Toschi” in Parma, at the Swiss “College du Leman”, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and at the Academy of Theatre, Music and Arts in Chisinau.
Nicoleta Stati’s works have been exhibited in many countries of the world and admired in Paris, Roma, and Moscow. From 2007, she has been a member of the Union of Plastic Artists of Moldova.