PAD recommends lower fees for road use

The Democratic Action Party commented on the draft law that would enforce a fee for road use that will be charged from vehicles registered outside Moldova. According to PAD, the initiative authors focused on short-term effects, without analyzing the impact on the people and on the investment attractiveness, Info-Prim Neo reports. The proposed fee in Moldova is 7€ for 3 days, 65€ for 30 days and 380€ for 180 days, which is much higher than in Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and other states. At a press conference, PAD vice president Viorel Chivriga said that in Romania the fee was 7€ for 30 days. “The authorities’ intention to apply exaggerated fees, when the state of the roads is as we know it, will only determine the transporters to avoid Moldova as a transit country and not only. These fees are somewhat bizarre in the context of the announced fiscal regime that would be friendly and would stimulate the attraction of foreign investments”, said Chivriga. He deems the measure abusive and thinks it will mainly affect Moldovan citizens settled abroad who come home on holidays, because they will have to pay for a week much more than the yearly fee paid by Moldovan drivers who use the roads daily. According to the PAD vice president, CIS countries like Ukraine could respond by increasing fees for Moldovan drivers. PAD recommends the Government to think over the decision in order to avoid a mistake that will have multiple negative effects. In the Parliament, PAD will propose to reduce the road use fees at the level of those charged in Romania, to extend the validity periods of tax discs and to offer two yearly grace periods for citizens working abroad. The draft law will come into effect on November 1, 2012, when the deadline for registration of cars with foreign plates expires. Minister of Finances Veaceslav Negruta said that the goal of the law is to ensure fiscal equity, which is the main goal of the tax policy promoted by the government.

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