Package of laws on integrity is close to European standards, opinions

The package of laws on integrity and integrity testing is very close to the European standards, Sergiu Ostaf, director of the Resource Center for Humana Rights, said in the talk show “Place for dialogue” on the public station Radio Moldova, IPN reports.

“The list of goods that are to be declared, the list of relatives whose property the functionaries must declare and the list of functionaries who are obliged to submit property statements were extended. The statements will be verified by integrity inspectors who will have broader powers. The functionaries’ property that will not correspond to the incomes during a period of ten years will be confiscated for the benefit of society. Everything will be transparent. All these provisions are very close to the European standards,” stated Sergiu Ostaf.

On the other hand, the expert considers that the mechanism for implementing the three laws on integrity should be improved.

Nadejda Hriptevschi, programs director at the Legal Resources Center, also welcomed the approval by the Government of the package of laws on integrity. “The Government made an attempt to approve these laws last summer. Civic society welcomes the approval of these laws. The activity of the National Integrity Commission was ineffective. The giving of segregated powers on integrity to the state institutions minimized this Commission’s role,” she stated.

Anatolie Donciu, director of the National Integrity Commission, said he is not fully confident that the new provisions on integrity will produce the expected result. “The human rights must not be infringed. It’s not known if this package of laws is passed by Parliament. At the same time, the penal laws are not retroactive,” he stated.

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