The capital city's main water utility Apa-Canal Chisinau (ACC) starts on Monday to disrupt supply to apartment buildings with a great percentage of overdue bills, it said in a press release.
The first on the disconnection agenda are 8 apartment buildings in Botanica district. The utility said that the managers of these buildings refused to cooperate and that repeated warnings remained unanswered. It also said that the rate of overdue bills for each building is higher than 70%, with each owing over 100,000 lei.
“While a criticized method, practice has demonstrated that after disrupting supply, within just a few days managers pay 50 percent of the owed sum or even the whole amount”, the utility says.
To avoid further disconnections, the ACC is calling on all residential managers with low payment rates to step up debt collection efforts. A list of buildings with low payment rates that face disruption of supply is posted on the utility's website