More than 80% of the Moldovans consider the Church should not become involved in politics, according to the last Public Opinion Barometer, which shows that the population has less confidence in the Church compared with the poll of November 2009. Arcadie Barbarosie, the head of the Public Policy Institute, said that the Church is trusted by 74% of the respondents, as against 80% last November. “This is probably the effect of the campaign launched by the Humanist Party and Valeriu Pasat, which aroused controversy in society,” he said. 12.1% of those polled consider the Church should get involved in politics, while 7.1% could not give an answer. Asked what institutions they trust the most, the respondents mentioned the Church, followed by the mass media, the army, the mayor's office and the Government. The parties, trade unions, legal system and President are the least trusted. The Public Opinion Barometer was commissioned by the Public Policy Institute and conducted by the Marketing and Polling Institute IMAS-INC Chisinau between October 17 and November 7. It covered a sample of 1,104 persons. The margin of sampling error is +3%.