Over 50,000 volumes to be displayed at Bookfest Chișinău 2018

More than 50,000 volumes from the most important publishing houses of Romania and Moldova will be exhibited at the Bookfest International Book Fair that will be staged in Chisinau during August 29 and September 2. According to the organizers, Bookfest Chișinău, which is at its third edition, in the Year of the Centenary of the Great Union celebrates the books written in Romanian on both sides of the Prut, IPN reports.

Minister of Education, Culture and Research Monica Babuc told a news conference that this is a remarkable event for all those who love good books from Moldova. The previous editions showed this event is popular. Last year the fair was visited by over 50,000 people. This year, besides the over 60 stands with books that will be available at Moldexpo and at the National Library within Bookfest, there will also be held a series of events, such as book launches, exhibitions, meetings with writers and mind games.

Valeriu Matei, director of the Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau, said the third fair of the kind is held in a special year, of the Centenary of the Union, and many of the participating publishing houses will provide historical bools, dictionaries, collections of books designed to remind about forgotten personalities, etc. “The objective is to raise awareness and understanding of the reality and things around through books. “As the old saying says “He who knows books has four eyes,” stated Valeriu Matei.

Gheorghe Prini, chairman of the Union of Editors of the Republic of Moldova, said a second edition followed the surprising result of the first edition of the fair. After the second edition the organizers said Bookfest Chișinău is the second event of the kind in the space of the Romanian language after that of Bucharest. This is due to the number of sold books and the number of visitors. Those who will visit the fair will enjoy discounts on books.

Bookfest will be inaugurated at Moldexpo on August 29, starting at  twelve noon. Afterward the fair could be visited daily between 10am and 8pm. Entrance at the fair and the events that will be staged as part of this is free of charge.

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