Over 5,000 schoolchildren will eat free breakfast

Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca on Monday issued an ordinance to provide more than 5,000 schoolchildren, grades V to IX, mostly vulnerable, with free daily breakfast, Info-Prim Neo reports. Sources within the municipal Education and Youth Division said the decision aims to counterbalance the Council's failure to approve the city's annual budget for 2009, which would have left the children without free meals at school. Division head Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleba told Monday's ordinary meeting at the City Hall that the list of beneficiaries includes 5,041 children coming from vulnerable families, and 180 children suffering from tuberculosis. Total allocations until 1 September 2009 will constitute 3.9 million lei – 5 lei per meal – , said Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb. But Mayor Chirtoaca fears the decision could be challenged by the City Council, which is the body authorized to make budget allocations. “Considering the fact that the budget for 2009 hasn't been adopted, and the children must not suffer from these lags, I've assumed such a responsibility and I hope it will be received with understanding by the fellow councilors”, the mayor told the same meeting, First to fourth graders deemed at risk are also eating free breakfast at school.

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