Over 250 persons took part in excursions staged by NBM at National Museum of History

More than 250 persons attended the excursions that were organized by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) at the National Museum of History on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu. The excursions staged during November 25-30 centered on the history of coinage since ancient times until present, alongside other aspects of community development in the national space, IPN reports.

The visitors were able to see exhibits with impressive archeological value, such as ancient Greek coins, Roman and byzantine coins, Tatar monetary treasures and many other testimonies to the ancestors’ life.

The excursionists could closely see the first coins issued in Moldova, coins that were in circulation at the times of Stephan the Great and Holy and other rules and also coins that circulated broadly in the European space, including in Moldova.

The exhibits with Dutch thalers attracted visitors’ interest as the name “leu” (‘lion”) of our national currency and of the currencies of other states derived from these coins. A lion rampant was imprinted on the reverse of the Dutch thalers and these coins were therefore also called thalers-lions.

“The exhibition brings into the visitors’ focus also the historical path of the Moldovan leu, since its creation and introduction up to recent issues, with the presentation of commemorative and jubilee coins issued by the National Bank of Moldova,” stated the institution.

After excursions, the access ticket-card can be kept not only as a souvenir, but also as a mini-guide for understanding the financial subject materialized through the two imprinted QR codes, with links to useful information provided by the National Bank.

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