Moldova is in a very important European integration process and the oscillation between the EU and the Eurasian Union is mortal for it, considers Igor Botan, executive director of the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) and expert within the Development of Political Culture through Public Debates Project that was implemented by Info-Prim Neo with financial support from the German foundation Hanns Seidel.
Igor Botan said a small country with low economic potential like Moldova cannot afford to move back and forth as it may be ignored by the West and the East if it does not prove that it is a reliable partner.
The director of ADEPT said that in such conditions the Alliance for European Integration should implement reforms quickly so as to attract foreign and national investments that, for their part, will bring stability in Moldova. He considers that the Alliance will enjoy the support of society if it achieves results. Otherwise, it will inevitably disappear.
The expert stated this opinion in the public debates “The Alliance consists of allies, while the government team of fellow members? The culture of political relations in government: manifestations, stakes and effects”.
In the same connection, Igor Botan and the executive director of the think tank Expert-Grup Valeriu Prohnitski, in a news conference recently, said that Moldova does not make much progress on the path to European integration because there is no political will.
Some of the Moldovan politicians and parties are for joining the Eurasian Union, including for holding a referendum in this respect.