The best works of the fine artist Mihai Tarus have been displayed at the OSCE Mission headquarters.
47 oil paintings are presented at the fine arts exhibition, opened on Friday, September 7. the paintings represent the creation of the artists during various periods of time: “Concert, sings Maria Biesu” (1991), “Duet” (1994), “Jazzman” (1997), “Flower avalanche” (2001), “On the Hill of Onitcani” (2004), “Balcic, old town” (2006) an other works. Among the displayed paintings, one can find also recent works of the artist, made in 2007, like: “Sunflower”, “The Legend of the Lily”, “Direction”, “Vertical”, and “Fresh”.
Mihai Tarus expressed his joy at seeing his works gathered in a personal exhibition, fact which allows him to regard them with a distanced and critical eye.
Laris Astreyn, art critic based in St. Petersburg and the artist’s wife, mentioned that the painter Mihai Tarus manages to express in his paintings the soul states he experiences very clearly and precisely. Strongly connected between each other by form, the artist’s works convey altogether, through their contrast of colours, a state of a major optimism, said Larisa Astreyn.
A significant part of the displayed works of art represents the “Music” cycle and was included by musicologist Rodica Iuncu in her book “The Spectacle of the Stage and Life”, launched recently at the International Book Fair in Chisinau. Rodica Iuncu asserted that these paintings represent a panorama of the musical life seen through the eye of the artist Mihai Tarus, an image that coincides with his own vision.
An experienced connoisseur of fine arts, film-maker Mihai Stefan-Poiata, stated that the painter Mihai Tarus represent a special case in the local fine arts – he anticipated the actual need for a synchronization with the European cultural values, to whom he adhered some time ago, producing a shock among the Chisinau public and his colleagues.
Born in Sinesti villages, Ungheni district, Mihai Tarus graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. He debuted in 1981 in St. Petersburg; since then, he displayed his paintings in countries like Moldova, Russia, Romania, Finland, France, Japan, Austria, Italy and Belgium. In 1999 Mihai Tarus was awarded the title master of fine arts of Moldova.
The personal exhibition of Mihai Tarus is open at the OSCE Mission headquarters until September 29.