Orthodox Christians start Holy Week
The last week of the fast preceding the Day of God’s Resurrection is called by Orthodox Christians the Big (Good) Week. It begins on Monday morning, after the Palms Sunday and ends in the Pascal Sunday. During the holy week, Jesus Christ was sold, he has been arrested and molested and he has resurrected from the dead. This week I sending the 40-day fast of Jesus.
The holy week has also the mission of sharing Christ’s passions. Each day has a specific significance. On Tuesday they mark the sermon on the Olibe Mountain, in which the Savior declared those 9 happinesses and predicted the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, On Wednesday – Jesus’ sale by Judah Iscariot and the unction with myrrh, on Thursday – the Holy Supper. On Thursday Jesus was preparing to die, offering his disciples the Last Supper, his body and blood, the bread and the wine of being saved. This day is also the beginning of the Savior’s passions.
On the Good Friday, o r the Fast Friday, Jesus started – cross on his back – the way to Golgotha and was crucified between two thieves, and after he died he was lodged into a tomb.
On Good Saturday, the Christian Orthodox get ready for the resurrection of Our Lord. At midnight, they begin the mass of the resurrection, they light lights and candles and they sing three times: "Christ resurrected from dead /With death crossing the death / And delivering life to those from the graves ".
After the Palm Sunday when the entrance of the Savior in Jerusalem is celebrated, when he was met by ancient Jews with branches of palms, the Holy Week follows, or the week also called of Jesus Christ’s passions.