Orthodox Christians demand banning holding of festivities and events propagating other religions in central square

Several hundreds of Orthodox Christians gathered in the Great National Assembly Square on Saturday to demand that the organization of festivities in the square be banned and to protest against the sectarians that try to propagate religion in public places, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The Orthodox Church is our mother. And when different sectarians that are dangerous for our society and for the Orthodox-Christian identity try to impose the diversity law, our devotion that is over 2 000 years old makes us defend our faith and national culture from teachings coming from abroad,” said one of the leaders of the protesters. According to him, under the pretext for pluralization and diversification, these teachings aim to divide the society and the family. At the same time, the protesters consider that every person has the right to choose their religious orientation. “We discriminate no one. We tolerate and respect the people of other denominations because all look like God,” they said. “We are against erroneous doctrines, including of the Adventists. They, like the homosexuals, have the right to assembly, but in their own space, as we pray in our churches, not on the street, misleading the people in order to make them adherents of their religion.” Earlier, the Seventh-Day Adventists held a number of concerts in Moldovan towns as part of the program “Follow the Bible”. They submitted an application to the Chisinau City Hall, asking that they are allowed to give a concert in the Great National Assembly Square as well, on August 15. But the Moldovan Metropolitan Church demanded that the City Hall do not authorize the event, but allow the Orthodox community to protest in the square against public events by sectarians. “I’m against celebrating the Independence Day on August 27, when the Christians fast and should not eat delicacies. This day should be changed,” said protester Lilia Timofeevici. The protesters signed an application addressed to the President, the Parliament and the Government, demanding that the holding of musical-cultural events in the Great National Assembly Square be banned, as there should take place only commemorative activities.

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