Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany

The Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar observe Epiphany or Theophany on January 19. The feast celebrates the manifestation of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and includes the commemoration of his birth, all of Jesus’ childhood events and his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. In churches, on this day they bless holy water that is taken home by parishioners.

Contacted by IPN, priest Victor Ceresau, of the “Meeting of God” Church of the State University of Moldova, said that Eastern Christians on Epiphany commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God.

The Greek word “epiphaneia” derives from the verb “to appear” and means “manifestation”, “appearance”. In classical Greek it was used of the appearance of dawn, of an enemy in war, but especially of a manifestation of a deity to a worshiper (a theophany).

After the Liturgy, those who come to the church can take holy water home to splash it on homes and things in the household. The Christians drink holy water for eight days every morning, after praying. The holy water blessed on Epiphany can also be drunk in moments of weakness or of illness.

Priest Victor Ceresau said the parishioners can come to the “Meeting of God” Church to take holy water after the service that ends close to 11am. The holy water is kept in the church and is available throughout the day.

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