Orthodox Christians celebrate Archangels Michael and Gabriel

The Orthodox Christian using the Julian calendar celebrate Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel on November 21. According to the Biblical tradition, the archangels are angels close to and serving people, Info-Prim Neo reports. Archangel Michael is known to be the ruler of the heavenly army. He fought the angels rebelling against God. The name of the archangel is translated from Hebrew as "he who is as God". Archangel Michael is said to lead the souls of the dead to the gates of the Paradise. On the Orthodox icons he is represented dressed as a soldier with a sword in his hand. Archangel Gabriel is celebrated with Michael, the former's name being translated from Hebrew as “the man of God”. Gabriel is considered to be the herald of good news. According to the Orthodox tradition, he announced holy parents Joachim and Anna about the birth of Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. He also unveiled the birth of John the Baptist to the priest Zacharia. According to the Christian tradition, Gabriel removed the stone from Christ's tomb and told the women the news of His Resurrection. The origin of the holiday is believed to date to the 5th century, as the Roman Emperor Arcadicus (395-408) consecrated a church dedicated to Holy Archangel Michael. Then, they started to celebrate Holy Gabriel on this day, too. According to unofficial statistics, some 71,000 Moldovans have these archangels' names. This is the last great holiday before the Christmas fasting.

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