Opposition parties blame government for crisis in banking system
Opposition parties are accusing the government of the economic and sociopolitical crisis facing the country. They also blame the National Bank of Moldova for Investprivatbank's bankruptcy, because it had tried to keep the bank's problems a secret.
“The public institutions must offer sufficient information not to allow the situation to get out of control. The limited presence of the NBM in the media causes a general mistrust in banks”, economist Veaceslav Neguta, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, told a news conference on Friday.
Negruta thinks the miserable situation in the banking system is caused by the fact that the government channels the financing meant for the real sector into satisfying the Cabinet's need for money. “It makes no sense when a commercial banks attracts deposits from the population offering interest rates of 24 percent, and then lends the Government at rates of 11 percent, while lending companies at interests of 28-30 percent. At the same time, the commercial banks are put in the situation to invent all kinds of commissions and fees to make up for this cheap loans to the Government”, said Neguta.
“The Liberal Democratic Party is demanding that the Moldovan Government and all the government agencies, including the National Bank of Moldova, respect, in strict conformity with the laws, the area of activity in administering relevant processes and stop acting as electoral agents for the Communists Party. Failing to do that will bring us to total economic and social collapse”, declared Lib-Dem leader Vlad Filat.
At another news conference, the leader of the Liberal Party Mihai Ghimpu has stated that Moldova has a monopolized economy. “The destruction of the small and mid-sized business, the overtaking of all the businesses, it's on the hands of those who are in power”, said Ghimpu.
“To guarantee the right to a decent living in the Constitution but to keep the citizens on miserable pensions and salaries, when prices have exceeded those in France and Germany, is a demonstration of the ruling party's attempt to destroy the state of Moldova”, declared Ghimpu.