The participants in the Urban Civic Forum addressed an open letter to Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu whereby they ask to remove the provisions about the Urbanism Code from the bill on the Urbanism and Constructions Code that was passed in the first reading. In this connection, it is suggested drafting a new Territorial Development and Urbanism Code, by engaging a multidisciplinary team of national and foreign experts, that will be proposed for public consultations, as the law requires.
In a news conference at IPN, members of the Urban Civic Forum said the lack of the legal responsibility element is one of the reasons for which the bill should be withdrawn from the Parliament’s agenda. Otherwise, the document will not ensure the development of the area.
Alexandru Munteanu, a member of the Urban Civic Forum, said in the current form the draft Urbanism Code, as a component part of the Urbanism and Constructions Code, does not meet the requirements applying to a document of such a scale and does not ensure legal coherence in urban design at central and local levels.
According to Alexandru Munteanu, the National Anticorruption Center warned about the existence of corruptible norms and about the risk of particular interests being promoted to the detriment of the general public interest. In general terms, the draft Urbanism Code does not contribute to improving the legislation and the current situation in this field.
The letter can be signed by persons and institutions that support the civic initiative of general public interest by June 8, 2017.