“Open the doors of district heads’ and mayors’ offices wider. The teachers can solve the problems encountered in education only in partnership with the local public administration and the family,” said teachers from Chisinau, asking all those involved in the education process to more actively engage in resolving pressing issues, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In the yearly conference of Chisinau teachers themed “Management of Change in the Context of a Child-Friendly School” held on August 20, the teachers addressed a number of issues faced by the modern schools and looked for solutions to achieve the main objective.
Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb, the head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport, said the teacher cannot fulfill all the educational tasks by oneself. “A partnership is needed with the parents, the local public administration, the Education Ministry and civil society so that the school becomes the most effective instrument in the multilateral development of the young generation,” she said.
The teachers said they want the authorities and teachers to be more open and helpful so that their efforts produce results. “The school activities do not always sensitize the parents, children and civil society. We need more support from the authorities involved in children’s education,” said Ecaterina Rusu, the head of the theoretical high school “George Calinescu”.
The administration of the high school “N.V.Gogol” considers the society and family should not make the education of the child the school’s task only. “We cannot assume overall responsibility for the education and development of the students,” said the school’s head Taisia Anikieva. “The teachers cannot replace the parents, but they are obliged to adapt themselves to the new conditions.”
The teachers from Cricova town that forms part of the municipality of Chisinau said the main problem they face is the migration of students and parents.
“A large number of children are not left in the care of relatives and neighbors, but of the school. Thus, the teachers have to pay more attention to these children so that the school becomes their second home,” said the deputy head of the Cricova-based high school “Alexei Mateevici” Liuba Sandu. “We try to establish closer relations with them and engage them in different activities. Now we are involved in a project that will help this category of children.”
The teachers, representatives of the local public administration and officials of the Ministry of Education attending the conference reached the conclusion that the school can become child-friendly only through concerted effort.
“The most qualified teachers work in Chisinau,” said Minister of Education Leonid Bujor. “They showed not only once that they can fulfill more that one role. When the children are deprived of parental care, the teachers can become their friends. We hope the connection between the children and teachers will become sustainable,” he said.