Only one minor does not go to school in Chisinau, Education Division says

Only one minor of those included in the lists of the schools of the municipality of Chisinau is now out of school, as against 13 at the stat of the new school year, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports. According to the Division, the parents of the child are divorced. His mother has another family in Ialoveni. The administration of Alexandru cel Bun High School in Chisinau’s Botanica district, where the boy was enrolled, addressed recommended letters to the Child Protection Divisions in Ialoveni and Botanica, asking that representatives of the two institutions provide the necessary assistance so that the boy goes to school. A recommended letter was sent to the minors’ mother, demanding that she take the boy back in her family and enroll him at the school in Ialoveni town. The stepfather promised they will take the child in Ialoveni. At the same time, six minors in Chisinau have abandoned school. Three of them are from Botanica district and by one from Centru and Ciocana districts. Another one is kept under supervision by the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports. The seventh-ninth graders are those that most often abandon school owing to the risks to which they are exposed. According to specialists, the reason for the abandonment is often not the difficult financial situation, but the negligence on the part of the adults.

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