Only 53% of communities in Moldova are connected to water supply systems

About 53% of the Moldovan communities are connected to water supply systems and only 24% to sewerage systems. The municipalities of Chisinau and Balti, which are about 80% supplied with water in a centralized way, are followed by ATU Gagauzia. The situation is worse in villages, secretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Valentina Tapis stated in the talk show “Issue of the day” on Canal 2 channel, IPN reports.

The official said the water used by people for consumption is not of the best quality given the pollution of phreatic waters. The Government aims to supply the people with surface water, from the Prut and Nistru Rivers. “In this regard, we defined a concept based on large regional projects in the new strategy that started to be implemented. So, we do not focus on small projects as the result is not the desired one,” stated Valentina Tapis.

A water supply project was launched in Cotul Morii commune of Hancesti district. Mayor of the commune Lucia Gustiuc said over 2,000 inhabitants of Cotul Morii will start to be supplied with drinking water by October. The project was launched in 2011, but was stopped in 2014. Recently, the Government decided to allocate 26 million lei for continuing the project within which the water from the Prut will be pumped and purified for being safe to drink.

In a press briefing on July 10, representatives of the ruling Democratic Party announced the intention to launch a project to build water supply and sewerage systems in Moldova’s communities as of 2019. The money will be allocated from the state budget and by the development partners that expressed readiness to become involved.


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