Online sessions about importance of maintaining mental health in times of pandemic

During three months, education experts and psychologists will hold 16 online sessions centering on the importance of maintaining mental health and the psycho-emotional needs as part of a program that offers assistance to teachers, managers of education institutions and parents in maintaining the psycho-emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, IPN reports.

The program “I choose to be GOOD with others and with me” was launched by the Ministry of Equation, Culture and Research in partnership with the UN Population Fund Moldova on October 8.

In the launch, secretary of state for education Natalia Grîu said she hopes that this program will become a real support for teachers, managers and parents given the difficult period through which we go owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. She called on teachers and parents to follow the sessions live and to submit proposals as to the subjects they would like to be treated.

The live sessions can be accessed on the Ministry of Education’s Facebook page.

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