About 100 workplaces will be offered to the graduates of the high education institutions of Moldova by 7 companies, inclusively foreign, at the first edition of the Jobs Fair organized on Tuesday, May 16 by the International Association of the Economics and Management Students (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, AIESEC). The event will take place on the occasion of the Career Days, marked, also for the first time in Moldova.
The Public Relationships specialist of AIESEC in Moldova, Doina Martin declared at a press conference that unlike other Fairs, where young persons with experience are solicited, this Fair is dedicated to students that graduated recently.
According to her, before the inauguration of the Fair a publicity campaign in newspapers, at radio stations, inclusively at the radio station of the Academy of Economical Studies was performed. The event was made public by Line Advertising.
According to the president of the organization Committee of AIESEC-Moldova, Iulia Martin the Fair had as a main goal to ease the interaction between the students, graduates and the employers, giving to the students the chance to be employed simpler. The starting point of the Career Days was Holland in 1967. Until now, these kinds of events took place in all AIESEC member countries.
At the Fair, among the employers that will present their offers will be ProCredit, Anddy’s Pizza, Apa Buna, Leo Grant, Line Advertising and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM). Alongside with 100 hundred jobs offered by the employers, a data base which will be renewed every 6 months and will be available also for other companies seeking for young personnel will be created.
According to the organizers near 1000 students from AESM, State University, Technical University, and the International Free University are expected to visit the Fair. Especially, the sales agents, IT and credit area specialist are the most solicited.
The event will take place at AESM, during 10:00-17:00. AIESEC intends to organize yearly the Fair and to invite more companies with more offers and opportunities.
AIESEC is the biggest organization for young people in the world. It was founded in 1948 and is present in 93 countries of the world and in 900 universities. In Moldova AIESEC was created in 1999, but it is active starting with 2005 through projects for school and high education institutions students and for orphans. The mission of AIESEC is the professional development of the young people, developing the human potential by offering leadership opportunities, by participating at conferences, trainings and international experience exchange programs.