Oleg Onishchenko to run for mayor of Chisinau

The Party “Our Home – Moldova” Friday announced its candidate for the mayoralty of Chisinau. This is the party’s chairman Oleg Onishchenko, Info-Prim Neo reports. Oleg Onishchenko said that the party he heads wants to bring about changes in the municipality of Chisinau as “the people are sick and tired of problems and the chaos at the City Hall”. The Party “Our Home – Moldova” will also field candidates for seats on the Chisinau Municipal Council. Oleg Onishchenko stated that his team will work for the city and will bring the uncontrolled liberalism to an end. As to his opponents, Oleg Onishchenko said that those who announced their candidacies already damaged their image as administrators. The Party “Our Home – Moldova” was registered in 2010. According to the party’s chairman, it has about 5,000 members.

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