Number of Ukrainians who enter Moldova goes up

About 15,800 Ukrainians entered the Republic of Moldova on Thursday and last night. More than half of them crossed the border through the Palanca and Tudora border crossing points. The line of vehicles at the border crossing points yesterday was about 20 km long and decreased to 8 km during the night. In the morning, the flow grew again, IPN reports.

Minister of the Interior Ana Revenco told a news conference that the Border Police trebled the number of employees at the most crowded frontier posts.

Data at 8am showed that 3,100 Ukrainians left Moldova on the way to Romania. Another 320 people returned to Ukraine. Most of these citizens travelled by personal cars. Bus routes were organized for those who travelled on foot. Civilians also offered free transport.

So far, over 300 people asked for asylum in Moldova. These are mainly children accompanied by an adult. The persons who ask for assistance are directed to the accommodation center for asylum seekers in Chisinau. The people also go to the two hotspot centers set up in Palanca and to “Moldexpo” Center in Chisinau. These have an accommodation capacity of 500-600 places.

Ana Revenco said that the persons can stay for more than 72 hours at these centers. But the persons who enter Moldova say they mostly go to relatives and friends or they will find at accommodation place themselves.

The Commission for Exceptional Situations adopted an ordinance to allow Ukrainian citizens to enter the Republic of Moldova, including with internal IDs, and without the obligation to present a COVID-19 certificate. The minors are admitted with birth certificates, internal identity cards or passports. The vehicles can enter Moldova without a green card, on condition that this is purchased within 24 hours.

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