The owners of bee houses who will fail to register the apiaries’ location and the number of the beehives will be penalised and fined 10-30 conventional units (1 conventional unit = MDL 20). A draft law in this respect passed the first reading this week.
Also, fines of 10-40 conventional units will be applied for hiding the morbidity case or spontaneous death of the bees, lack of certificates for apiaries, placing the colonies without the agreement of the landowners etc.
Fines will be applied in the case of unjustified clearing of honey-bearing resources, unjustified refuse of authorities to offer land for placing apiaries, falsifying apiarian products etc.
MP Ivan Banari said that the fines are rather high, because this sector has only started to develop. The fines will create even more problems to the owners of apiaries, the MP said, asking to diminish penalties. Both the representatives of the government and the parliamentary legal committee said they will analyse the proposal.