The disastrous results at the Baccalaureate exams this year show how low the quality of education is. The Education Code approved in 2014 and the strategy “Education 2020” that was recently drafted are documents of maximum importance that will help the education system develop over the next decade. But things in this sector deteriorate considerably and remarkable qualitative changes should not be expected in the short term, says the preliminary report “The Republic of Moldova 2014: State of the Nation Report” that was compiled by the Independent Analytical Center “Expert-Grup”, IPN reports.
Alexandru Fala, program director at “Expert-Grup”, said that Moldova continues to allocate a considerable part of the GDP for education – about 7.2% for this year. The money is mainly allocated for maintaining an over-extended school network that no longer reflects the demographic realities. The Government pledged to essentially optimize the school infrastructure, but the related attempts meet with enormous resistance on the part of communities. For a large part of the people, the physical presence of the school counts more than the quality and relevance of the knowledge gained by the students.
Alexandru Fala noted that the most important preconditions for improving the quality of studies are to invest in training teachers and to significantly increase their salaries so as to restore the prestige of the profession. This refers both to general education and, especially, to vocational education.