Nistru war veterans ask 1m lei from Government for Heroes Museum

The Nistru war veterans demand that the Government provide 1 million lei for setting up the Heroes Museum. They say that if their demand is not satisfied, they will seek help from other countries, first of all Romania, and, if need be, from the United State, France and other states. “We will ask all the countries to help, even Japan,” secretary of the 1992 War Veterans Association Valeriu Ciobanu told a news conference on December 13, Info-Prim Neo reports. Valeriu Ciobanu said that the veterans’ request was rejected two times. They will make a new approach to the Government, through Prime Minister Vlad Filat, at one of the exhibitions that will be staged on the occasion of 19 years of the start of the hostilities on the Nistru. “This museum should include a gallery of the heroes of this war. There will be painted about 300 portraits of heroes who fought for our country,” Valeriu Ciobanu said, adding that the Chisinau City Hall allocated space for the museum in former Kindergarten No.90 that is situated in Centru district. Each portrait costs about 3,000 lei. Five of the portraits have been already painted with money donated by veterans and other persons. Money is also needed to repair the rooms of the new museum, Valeriu Ciobanu said. The first exhibition of the commemoration program will be opened at the Ciocana district head’s office on December 14, at 4pm. On December 16, there will be staged exhibits at the Botanica and Centru district heads’ offices, on December 17 – at the Rascani district head’s office, while on December 18 – at the Buiucani district head’s office. One of the first battles between the national police and the separatist forces took place on December 13, 1991. The Transnistrians attacked the Dubasari police commissariat. At night, the special police brigade “Fulger” started an operation to free the bridge and police commissariat in Dubasari. During the operation, four police officers - Ghenadie Iablochkin, Mihail Arnaut, Valentin Mereniuc, and Gheorghe Casu – were killed.

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