Nicolae Timofti will take part in signing of Association Agreement

Moldova’s President Nicolae Timofti didn’t take part in the initialing of the Association Agreement with the EU, but will take part in its signing. In the program “Good Evening” on the national TV channel Moldova 1, the head of state said that the initialing was attended by people who made maximum effort and worked a lot, IPN reports.

“The process of preparing for the initialing involved a group of people, specialists, the Filat Government and the Leanca Government. I decided that they should initial these documents in the name of the Republic of Moldova because I have the power to take such decisions. I do not need undeserved favors. The head of state will take part in the signing. There was reached such an agreement,” said Nicolae Timofti.

In the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit, Moldova initialed the Association Agreement with the EU, which provides for the creation of a free trade area. The accord was initialed by Prime Minister Iurie Leanca.

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