Nicolae Timofti congratulates Romanian counterpart on National Day of Romania
Moldova’s President Nicolae Timofti congratulated his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu on the occasion of the National Day of Romania that is marked on December 1. The message says that this occasion allows him to send the greetings and best wishes for new accomplishments to all the Romanians and to him as a head of state in his name and in the name of all the Moldovans.
“During the last year, we covered together a road with many satisfactions and accomplishments and launched joint projects. The assistance provided by Romania in dealing with the consequences of this summers’ drought represents an additional proof of the special relation that exists between Moldova and Romania, which becomes stronger by every action taken for our people’s benefit,” reads the President’s message.
Nicolae Timofti is convinced that the agreements reached during his official visit to Bucharest will contribute to extending and developing the cooperation between the two states. “I want to thank you for the precious and constant support that Romanian offers to Moldova for achieving its strategic objectives: the European integration and the energy security,” said the head of state.
Profiting from this occasion, Nicolae Timofti reiterated the invitation to Traian Basescu to pay a visit to Moldova. He expressed his conviction that the maintaining of a constant dialogue at the highest level contributes to strengthening and diversifying the privileged partnership relations based on common cultural, linguistic and historical values.