Parliament, says now in Moldova there is no sovereignty, no freedom, no independence, as the ideals gained in the first years of national revival have been betrayed and forgotten.
In an interview with Info-Prim Neo news agency, Nicolae Dabija has said that the ones, who in 1991 stood against the idea of independence and for preserving the Soviet Union, including president Vladimir Voronin, now lead Moldova, which has a status of a new colony. It was not and is not detached from the old matrix either economically, or politically. “The Moldovan Independence”, in the view of the rulers, means staying in the CIS, the federalization of the country, an economic collapse, the “undying” nomenklatura, the freedom to speak Russian only, etc.” he says. Dabija doubts the existence of the independence without an own economy, with politicians fighting against their own people.
According to Dabija, Moldova is still “a Soviet country, where the outdated Soviet values are set on the first place, as even Russia abandoned them long ago.” At the same time, the reforms wagon is hardly creeping, and the country has stagnated for 17 years. The only hope for change is to change the political leadership.
Speaking of the Independence Act of 1991, Nicolae Dabija, says he hoped then Moldova would make a logical step towards the European space by taking off the barbed wire along the Prut, what would have meant joining Romania. That did not happen because of pervert scenarios plotted by Russia and carried out by the former rulers, which came the old party nomenklatura, former secretaries of the Soviet Communist party, who called themselves Democrats, then Agrarians, compromising the notion of democracy by their acts, the writer says.
According to him, the Constitution adopted after the independence was modified in key parts by the Agrarians, who rejected the notions of national state, unitary state, the official Romanian language, and the name of the people that it is Romanian. “They took the Independence Declaration from the preamble of the Constitution. Thus, they reached to oppose the Constitution and the Independence Declaration and to propose to modify the Independence Declaration, adopted in 1991. The Declaration is a historic document, which cannot be modified as the Constitution can, by 2/3 of votes in the Parliament, neither by unanimity of votes,” the writer says.