NGOs and local administrations join efforts to improve socialization of women prisoners

In the next two years, more than 100 women prisoners will benefit from psycho-social assistance as part of the Project “A New Approach to Poverty Reduction in Moldova – Joint Efforts of NGOs and Local Administrations”. Another 48 women, released from detention, will have the possibility to attend free hairdresser courses as part of the same project, Info-Prim Neo reports. The project, implemented by the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) in Moldova, is financed by the European Union and donors from Germany. Its costs amount to 700,000 euro. The manager of the project, Hans Born, told a press conference on Tuesday that the main goal of the project is to strengthen the capacities of NGOs and local authorities to solve social problems. A series of seminars and roundtables will be held for NGOs and local authorities within the project, as well as an information campaign, project coordinator Liubov Nemcinova said. “Local organizations and authorities will improve their activity and will be able to use an integrated approach in creating a joint strategy for diminishing poverty and reducing the exclusion of disadvantaged groups. Detained women and former prisoners will receive proper assistance as well as skills and a profession which will contribute to their fast integration in the community and reduce the risk of poverty in the long term”, Nemcinova added. The project also includes regular visits of children to their detained mothers. This thing, according to the coordinators, will strengthen the relations between the mother and the child, so that they will have a normal family after the woman is released from the penitentiary. The project’s partners are Gustav Stresemann Institut, European Academy Bonn and Pro NGO Company from Germany. ISHR, Moldova branch, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization.

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