The border police officers will have new uniforms. They will be blue and will gradually replace the green ones that are 20 years old, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Border Police chief Dorin Purice told a news conference that all the over 3,000 border police officers will wear new uniforms in at most two years. The uniforms were designed by a group of experts of the Modeling and Technology Division of the Technical University. “The uniform was made taking into account the European norms. It is practical and comfortable as the comfort of the border policemen is very important. The new uniform is laconic and does not contain the old signs that created an opulent aspect,” he stated.
There will be three models of uniform. The ceremony uniform consists of jacket, shirt and tie for men and jacket, shirt and skirt for women. The work uniform includes pullover instead of jacket and will be worn by inspectors of border crossing points. The field or campaign uniform is made from soft fabric resistant to external factors and includes a sports-like cap.
According to Dorin Purice, at the start of next week the Minister of the Interior will sign an order to approve the uniform. Afterward, they will start to buy the uniforms. The border police officers will be provided with uniforms in stages. The airport police and the police from the western districts will be the first to receive new uniforms.
A sum of 7 million lei was earmarked for making uniforms. They will be sown by a national producer. The border police include 3,500 officers.