New sanitary regulations for kindergartens and crèches

The kindergartens and crèches will work based on new sanitary regulations. These provide that the early education institutions will be outfitted with ventilation and water supply and sewerage systems. The regulations were worked out by the Ministry of Health and are to be approved by the Government, IPN reports.

The document defines specific sanitary rules that must be obeyed in the case of children with locomotor disabilities. Thus, entrances to kindergartens must be outfitted with ramps. Inside the institutions must have an artificial illumination system.

The walls of buildings must be plastered so as to allow wet cleaning and disinfection. Certificates showing the origin, quality and inoffensiveness will be presented for all the building and interior design materials.

According to the Ministry of Health, 23% of the early education institutions do not possess water supply systems, while 26% do not have toilets inside. One third of the furniture is unsuitable for the age of the children and causes posture disorders. Inspections showed that the level of artificial lighting is insufficient, while the microclimate is unsatisfactory. Specialists in public health determined that the menus in nursery schools include too much pasta, sunflower oil and porridge.

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