New regulations concerning sports schools

Special groups for persons with special educational needs will be opened at sports schools. The difference in age of the students of the same group cannot be higher than three years. This is provided in the new regulations concerning sports schools that were approved by the Cabinet on January 30, IPN reports.

The provisions of the new regulations refer also to professional athletes who are awardees of national championships and international official competitions, who will be able to continue their studies in Advanced groups after the age of 21.

Currently, in most of the sports schools training is based on programs approved in the Soviet period. The regulations provide that the process of training will be based only on the curriculum that will be approved by the central specialty authority for each sports field.

To complete the groups of sports skillfulness and superior sports skillfulness with reference to the category of official sports competitions and the place of athletes in the rankings for the last two years, there were included two new competitions: World Games and Youth Olympic Games.

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