New press kiosk chain to start work in summer

A new chain of press distribution shops called Megapress will appear in Chisinau soon. The Megapress kiosks will sell newspapers and magazines published in Moldova and abroad, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the company. According to the director of New MegaPress Marcel Poiata, the company is now setting up press kiosks in the municipality of Chisinau. Later, the kiosks will appear in other parts of the country. Seventy-five kiosks will be placed in Chisinau, in all the districts. Twenty-three of them have been already set up in places where the number of clients is larger. Megapress aims to develop a modern distribution system so as to meet the expectations of the readers and press editors, Marcel Poiata said. “Megapress declares openly that it will not discriminate and will not restrict the distribution of any publication according to such criteria as political affiliation, language, country of origin, etc.” the communiqué says. Megapress is a company with joint Moldovan-Romania capital founded in 2008.

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