New president at Superior Council of Prosecutors

Angela Motuzoc was elected president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors by secret ballot by a majority of votes in the constitution meeting of the Council, IPN reports.

The new president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moldova Free International University. She started her carrier in the prosecution service in 2000, holding in time a number of posts at the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the Law on the Prosecution Service, the term in office of the president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors and of the Council members, except for the ex officio members, is of four years. The same person cannot hold the post of member of the Council for two consecutive terms.

The Superior Council of Prosecutors is an independent body with the status of legal entity whose duty is to take part in the constitution, functioning and ensuring the self-management of the prosecution system. It consists of 12 members.

The third composition of the Council, besides the four ex officio members – prosecutor general, chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Gagauzia, president of the Superior Council of Magistracy and minister of justice – includes five members elected by the General Assembly of Prosecutors from among serving prosecutors.

Another two members of the Council, proposed by civil society, were chosen by Parliament and by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. One more member representing civil society is to be chosen, also by contest, by the President of the Republic of Moldova.

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