New performance from Carnival in Chisinau series

On the City Day, theater lovers will be able to attend a new performance from the Carnival in Chisinau series, called this time “The Game with the Roof”. The performance which is the fifth one of the Improvised Theater Studio will be on in Chisinau’s downtown, in the Cathedral’s Park, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Studio’s director, Elena Cusnir, the carnival will combine modern versions of carnivals presented through the prism of the improvised theater. The carnival is not going to be just a show for the public, but a guide to genuine reality, a ritual helping man to uncover and show his fine and positive essence. In fact, the Studio is developing the ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin, a philosopher and art critic, a brilliant genius of the 20th century, and it implements these ideas in Chisinau, the director says. The performance will start with a training session for viewers and then they create small rites of the carnival. “An end for this performance was discovered by the actors and spectators of the Studio on the Bac river’s bank last summer,” Elena Cusnir specified.

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