New minister of defense: We aim to strengthen positions

The new minister of defense Eugen Sturza said the Ministry of Defense now faces many problems, has a tight budget and not yet approved strategies. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, the minister reminded that the Cabinet recently approved the National Defense Strategy that stipulates how the National Army should be modernized and how state security should be ensured in Moldova, IPN reports.

According to the minister, the strategy was approved together with partners from NATO, the U.S. and the EU and defines prompt measures for crisis situations.  It says how Moldova should advance in the defense sector and how much money the defense system needs. “The security sector started to become a priority. The military strategy that comes after the National Defense Strategy enables us to plan the development of the National Army and to attract more funds and assistance from the foreign partners,” stated Eugen Sturza.

The minister also said that classical neutrality in the way provided by the Constitution cannot apply to Moldova as long as we have a foreign army on the country’s territory. “We aim to strengthen positions. Until we have the Russian army on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, we should develop the capacities of the National Army. I refer to the participation by our service members in international missions,” he noted.

Eugen Sturza also said that the integration into NATO and the EU is not a military process and is related to the country’s development. Experience shows the security of a state cannot be guaranteed if this is not affiliated to a military bloc, such as NATO. For Moldova, NATO means projects to dispose of pesticide, social, military and infrastructure projects. The NATO Liaison Office in Chisinau will be opened in the nearest future and will enable to better and more intensely communicate with NATO.

As to the relationship with President Igor Dodon, who refused to sign the decree to name him to the post of minister of defense, Eugen Sturza said the Head of State remains the supreme commander of the armed forces. “2018 will be a year when the National Army will look in different way. As of 2018, the situation in the National Army will permanently improve,” promised the minister.

Among his priorities in the defense sector, Eugen Sturza mentioned the promotion of the mixed army system, increasing of the number of service members employed on contract and decreasing of the number of conscript soldiers. He noted he will make his first visit as minister of defense to Brussels, to the NATO Headquarters, and will then visit Bucharest. He will yet decide as to a visit to Moscow.

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